Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thngs Madeline has said

Recently Madeline has said a few things that were really interesting. she is a 4 year old that has an answer for everything. Here are two examples:

Example One
Aunt: "Madeline, can i write a list for santa, will he bring me things too?"
Mad: "Yes"
Aunt: "But I want really big things, will he bring them?"
Mad: "Yes, u just need really big paper to write on!"

Example Two
Mad talking to Santa: "I want a Jetplane, new barbies, playdoh"
Santa "Ok, make sure you listen to your mommy and daddy"

Me: "Mad, do u think santa will bring u a full size jetplane, or do u think he will figure out that you really ment a barbie size jetplane?"
Mad: Laughes, "He can't bring me a real one mommy, he doesn't have enough wrapping paper on his roll for that!"
Me: "Good point, he must be a smart man"

Gotta love a child's reasoning
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So, Tom, my bff, tagged me in this blog-related thing, and sicne i haven't typed anything since september, why not, right?

Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post. Let each person know he/she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1) I love music, it is teh best mood inducer, and mood lifter for me. I turn "into" waht ever i currently listen to, be it dance R&B as of lately, or more grunge rock to classic rock, or the ultimate, 80's! Currently it is Charolett Church and enya holiday stuff :)

2) I am very spritual. Not many people pick up on it becasue I am not very forward with it nor pratice it in convential forms, but I am.

3) I have a gift of being a receiver. Only a few people know this. I've had the gift all me life but early on as a young girl, i tried all i could to surpress my "receptors". In recent years, that has not worked. I've had many visitors. some i have mentioned to freinds, and others I've always kept to myself. In this past year, i've had so many visitations. Most recetly I've been able to actully use this "gift" to help send a message from a dearly departed to my cousin, the messager was his aunt (no relation to me). When i gave him her message he was so happy and revelaed that it was what had needed to hear, so now he can complete his greaiving. It was moving for me to actully help and do good with waht i always considered a burden of mine.

4)I have become very addicted to a game on both facebooka nd myspace called YoVille. Not sure why it's captured me so much, but it has.

5) My favorite season is Summer, I relish in heat and can't bear the cold.

6) My favorite holiday season is now till mid Jan. I love the whole christmas in the air feeling, Startign this week, the week of thanksgiving, I am filled with such joy that I can not explain. i also have impressive patiance to wait in line and traffic along with teh "complainers" who act upset and surpried thsi smae time of year every year. The rest of the year my patience are low, lol!

Cindy: A friend in college that i keep regular contact thru our family forum.

Tom: Who had tagged me with doing this. He's my bff from college, plus the godfather to my son. His blog is great, it' sa mix of things to ponder and hear a bout his family.

Laura: She is actully my hihg school friend's college friend, get that? Anywho we keep in contact via the same forum as Cindy and Tom's wife, Erin. Her children are adorable. She, Tom, and I have son's taht are clsoe in age, all three in a row!

Diane: I dont have a link to her blog yet, but i will work on that. She is my bff from high school and her blog is about homeschooling preschoolers.

-: This blog i've been following ever since i vacationed in Sint Maartin 2 years ago, it pretty cool about life on teh island
Hurley: The big guy form LOST, i love his blog. most of it is non-lost related, but he is cool and funny to read about. He had a lot of travels between seasons and likes to goof around :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Dream title: 21
Date: 9.9.08 (My college roomie's bday)
Setting: In a touristy town, very small and non-descript and near a beach.

We begin, my family, on the beach, one that is wooded so maybe it's a lake beach. I run into my childhood best friend and her immediate family (sister, hubby, mother & father). We pass by and say a quick hello. Later we are in a dim resturant. I feel tense and awkward for not spending time with her, but it is not easy to do so because she is with her family and I am with mine. I do pass her in the resturant and she asks for $21 that I apparent;y owe her (not sure why I owe her). i open my wallet and see different bills, none are of a 20, and not enough 5's or 10's. I tell sorry. She says OK, but tension is still felt.
Next scene is of the next day and we are packing up to leave. the resturant is part of a Bed & Breakfast we are staying at. I see my friend's family and I approach them. They tell me my friends is not leaving with them but staying behind. I look in my wallet again and see a $2 and a $1. I run to the Inn Keeper's room, she is getting dressed, then tells me where I can find my friend. I find her and hand her the cash.
The end.

I'm at a lost with this dream, It's like there is no meaning to be found in it at all, LOL!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reocurring Dream

For a few years, I've had this dream. In the last year it's frequency increased. The setting is always different, but the outcome and emotions are always the same.

Setting: A freinds home, a vacation bed & breakfast, and lastly, my own basement.

I will be in these various setting either with my hubby, or family members, or with my daughter. We tour the location and I will feel that one room is not for me to be in. I get an uneasy feeling that I should not be in that room, that it is haunted and I am ridden with fear just being in the room. In the course of the dream I will be forced to be in this room, and something does happen. Things will move, I will hear noises, but I won't "see" anything. What does happen frightens me awake. Once I'm awake my heart will be pounding and I will be sweating. I usually go back to sleep, peacefully a few minutes later.

The last ocurrance of this dream took place in my own basement. I was with my daughter, when suddenly she is frightned and something sends us fear, I never saw what frightened us so much, I just felt the emotion of fear, and I woke up the same way, heart pounding and sweating.

After that last dream I though for sure that I was being haunted and that I needed to look into it, to stop the fear. I found an energy healer that happened to be an aquantince. I explained these dreams to her and asked if she had any recommendations on how to deal with a possible haunting. Her answer surprised me. For her the dreams were very obvious and not related to be being haunted. Instead, I apperently have "sensitivity," meaning, I posess a little phsycic ability. The dreams represent my own struggle to unlock my abilities. In sleep, my hidden abilities want to be active and communicate, but my own fears fight against it because I fear the unknown. Interesting, I have stopped having this dream now, yay.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dream Journaling

A friend of mine has started dream journaling some time back. i commented to him that I would join him and do the same, only I kept forgetting to write my dreams down and then began forgetting my dreams more and more.

Normally I have very vivid dreams, some have been re-occurring and filled with fear. Recently I've found out what the meaning to those were and they have since stopped, good thing.

I can now write aobut two dreams.

Dream One, Title: "Energy Source" 7/08

Setting: The upstairs bedroom of the house I grew up in.

I am sitting in the room chatting away and packing belongings up, as if to move out. There is a crowd in the room with me, no one that i recognize, but in this dream, they seem to be friends of mine. We find a room within the crawl space next to my room, there are rods of clothing, children's clothing, I never seen this room before. I'm back into the main room. A man with a suit enters and says, "Here is where your problem is" as he opens my closet door and points down to the left. "This air conditioner unit is the source of all your energy"

I look at where he is pointing and find an air unit. This is wierd because this particular house had window units only, no central air. I look up to where I should see where my granmother used to store her glass coffe pots, but instead I see an SUV parked un the truss beams in the roof/attic space. I suddenly hear my grandmother's voice describe that the vehicle belonged to my Uncle and he hid it there to hide it from my Grandfather.


There are so many things wrong in that dream, like how do you fit a vehicle into a house's truss beams??!!!

Dream Two, Title: "Convention" 9/4/08

Setting: Sitting in seats at an unknown convention somwhere.

All around me are people I do not recognize, but in the dream I am chatting away with them. We are all dressed profesionally. someone stands near me and joins in the conversation and is holding a baby. The baby is missing a head, I can see into it's neck, the muscle, the veins and etc. I look around and no one appears to be alarmed, I follow along and bring no attentin to the baby.

More happens in this dream, like adiffernt scenerio and storline, but I can no longer remeber it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wow, I got real far behind didn't I!

Well, my son is almost about to walk, amazing. This time last year I found it hard to get into my pool with his many short i can't wait for him to take his onw nap so my daughter and I can get in on this 94 degree and climbing day!

Things have abeen a bit hectic. The little man had isues with putting on weight, his weight flatlined since his 9 month well visit. Plus he has been puking on and off all month of May, quite fustrating. More fustrating was the many lab tests and x-arys he had to have to rule out anything serious, poor guy. godd thing he is a happy guy, still smiles at the dr. after all the poking.

My daughter is good, altough she seems to be more clingy and more jealous then she has ever been, odd since her brother has been here over a year now, not sure what is going on inside her mind.

The shore, yep we are back to driving down every other weekend to our little getaway down the shore, despite the increasing gas $$$.

We went to Disney World for 4 days back on Easter (March), and then drove to Tampa and cought a 4 day cruise to Key West and Cozumel, Mx. (our favorite port). We weren't happy about the short cruise, but booked it anyway last minute due to having family already booked on it. We much more prefer the 7 night or longer voyages, but after 4 days in Orland, this was enough. My 4 year old daughter enjoyed the cruise more over Disney World, so did we, haha. Nothing is better then walking past all the tourist taps in Mexico and going right up to the cab and asking for your favorite beach then shopping after that. oh yeah, the shopping. Hubby and I planned on not doing much shopping due to little space in our luggage. I was fine with this, plus we didn't need anymore Mexican artwork. Low and behold, hubby dragged me, carrying our 12 month old, 16 lb son in a sling and our daughter who does not take heat to well, up and down the allys with bags of "souvineirs" go fig. At least we stopped to get mommy a slammer, ahhh, so refreshing followed by a margarita, thank goodness my son was fully weaned off the breastmilk the week before this vacation, haha!

Next on my todo agenda, next years vacation. St. Thomas or Playa Del Carmen, Mx. we don't know yet.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Exhausted, but so worth the fun

Today, Mad had two back to back partys, both fo the smae type, indoor blow up moon bounce equipment. The first was called "Bounce U" 7 the 2nd at "Pump It UP"
it was SO MUCH FUN!! At first mad was intimidated, so I had to go in one of the moonbouce obstacle courses with her that ended in a practically freefall slide (90 degree drop) and we did it over and over and over and so on, it was fun, but boy I'm pooped and I think I pulled somehting, but she was able to do it herslef there after that and a bouncy monster was created! even on flat hard surface floors she continued to jump. 4 hours later at the 2nd identical party she was looking pooped and moving/climbing slower but still chugged on. She should sleep in real late, hehe!

Monday, January 28, 2008

My cute son

You seriously will not see anything more adorable than this, except for your own son, OMG!

My husband is right, I have sissified him!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Celebrating My Greyhound

I have one, her name is Slate. her racing name had been "Clean slate" and she hailed from Florida. she is now 11 years old, a senior dog, but year or two left in her. Greyhound life expectancy, as pets, are 10-15. 15 years is not seen by too many. Slate will not finish out her 12th.
Today she went to the vet for an xray, she has cancer. It is rapidly growing on her face, it's pushing on her eye and her nasal cavity. One night she woke us up with a horrible snorting sound.

Eight years ago, I was still living with my grandmother. I wanted a dog and my Grandmother told of a news article she recently read about a guy in Philly who was litterly "flying" racing greyhounds up to be adopted and to be saved from a shorter life on the tracks. I had grew with big german sheperds and labadors. Having a Greyhound sounded intriuging, and saving it's life was more interesting. I needed a co-adopter since I was not a home owner, my Grandmother signed as co-adopter. In August, 1999, we were given Slate, an all black female that was a little roudy and visious with squeky toys and newspapers. She needed to be in a home with no other animals, that was us. she quickly had our hearts and shortly after, she had my husbands, who at the time I was dating. She loved running, so much she made it out the door and down the block a couple of times. She loved ripping squeaky toys to pieces.

Thsi past fall she needed 6 teeth removed. They were extracted. then the swelling from the surgury never went down. The thoguht she needed one other tooth removed, they went ahead and removed a 7th. Swellign still had not gone down. She been on many different antibiotics and none worked. So finally, via xray today, it was determined as a cancerous tumor.

They said to keep her comfortable for the next few weeks. I asked if she would make it to Easter or more, and he said no.

Greyhounds are amazing pets. Theyy are gentle, great with children. They don't pester, but do require to be on a leash. Someday, furthur down the road, we will get another one.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Seraching for items

Happy New Year everyone! Hope all is well with everyone out there!
I've begun the new year with a quest for a few itemsa needed for both a trip to Florida in March and for summer weekend trips down the shore.

Item #1) A toddler travel bed. At the end of last summer my horrible pack "n play broke beyond repairable, it was man-handled due to being so horrible. AKA, my husband snapped a rail by bending it since trying to "unlock" the rails was impossible to due.
Good freinds of mine have a really cool travel bed for thier children. It's inflatable and has raised sides to prevent rolling out, I something along the lines of that. Another chocie is something new I saw, but very expensive, it springs open and can be zipped shut, so when my 1 year wakes up before us, at least I know he is enclosed.
Like I said, the latter is pricey, (of course ideal) and the first mentioned one will fit the bill, some on ebay are reasonbly priced, but the shipping charge is killing me and I can't find it in any store in town, hence my "quest"

Item #2) A storage bag for a carseat so It can be protected when checked as luggage on flights. In March I will fliy with my 12 month old in my lap and my 3 3/4 year old will be dine in a seat, she's done it before. so I'd like to check the carseats so that i don't have to rely on the nasty ones that come with the rental cars. A good freind of mine lent me a contraption that will strap the carseat to carryon luggage so it can act as a stroller. But I'm not set that is the best scenario. I will need to take two umbrella strollers anyway since they will be needed for the theme parks. I might as well gate check them since i will need to take them, so converting luggage to a stroller is not an answer for me, but i may, still mualing waht to do. I did reserve a bosster seat for my almost 4 year old with the car rentsl and only want to take the convertable or infant seat & base for the 12 month old son.
Yes I know this bag I'm looking for is $15 or so and easy enough to find at babies 'r us, but, since i'm already on a roll of being cheap, i keep rolling with it, LOL!

So these item I am scouring criagslist for and I can tell you now, they are NOT popular items people are looking to let go!

If you know the whereabouts of any of these, plaese tell me!!