Sunday, December 16, 2007

a little snooze

After his Adventure to get the bar stool (as seen below) i find found him taking a nap, shhh...
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Man on a mission

I caught him trying to reach for the bar stool in the kitchen. He wasn't fussing, infact he was very quiet because he was concentrating, LOL!
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Just as things were moving along...

I get a cold.
I got my project off my plate, (as mentioned in previous post) and I had a couple days of chaotic decluttering and I come down with a cold, right before I start with the deep house cleaning required to be done prior to the arrival of holiday house guests & festivites.

This is one reason why I'm so glad I am not working, other wise i'd have an extra stress on time, If I was working and had the cold, I'd be too wiped out at night to even think about cleaning.

I have house geusts arriving on Friday evening. i know i can get it all done by then, plus bake cookies, no problem Mon!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Little MAn

Is still asleep! A 3 hour nap! Should i worry?

I was just complaining that latly his nap run for only an hour at a time, at a total of 3 naps. We had a play date, had a 30 min. morning nap and missed his lunch nap completly, but is now making up for it. He also has not been sleeping well at night, he's up screaming in pain, a combo of not passing any poop and teething.

I am so lucky taht my eldest 3.5 year old alos fell asleep at 3:30pm and is still asleep at 5:30pm.

I had time to finish up earlier mentioned project for previous posts, it's malied out and off my plate, yeah!!!!

Now I can cath-up on the house clutter, decotate tree, make cookies, catch up on laudry before hubby has to re-wear his boxers, wtap up gifts and scoop dog waste outta the back yard (that is a bit overdue, oops)!
First I'm enjoying a hot bowl of mac 'n cheese in peace.....

Monday, December 10, 2007

finding balance (cont...)

Christmas cards, cookies, christmas tree, playing dollhouse, laundry. The many things I'm trying to accomplish this month, all of which are on the back burner while I received a freelance project. A 2 story house with basement needs to be drafted by yours truly, and I'm finding it very difficult to dedicate any time to anything, so I have been very unproductive.

I try to start drafting, then realize that I need to load a new version of Autocad, I do so, time consuming. As that is going I start a load of luandry, then comeback to the cad, ahh, Nic is crying...Mad needs something.... By this point I realize that it's 5pm and I haven't thoguht about dinner yet.

I see my four plants in the dinning room, two are cacti (is that plural for cactus?), hardy, that good. Then there is one is an orchid, i know, very delicate, the other, I'm not sure wha tit is but it is big, tall & green, and probably needs water. They all do. Ther is one petal left on the orchid. Why do I have these plants, good question, my hubby thinks I can care for them. The first cactus was a gift from him early in our marriage, a few later he gave me the other cactus. He saw that they were still alive and most recently got me the orchid, being it's my favorite flower. Well, the cactus held out because they are hardy, but what was he thinking, i have no green thumb!

See, here I am posting a 2 part blog when I should really be out shopping for food, we've run dangerously low. Then I should get started on the drafting that I need to do.
My biggest problem is while i'm trying to work, beside the kid frendly interruptions. My mind worries aobut the other things, the dirt kitchen counters, the carpet taht needs vaccuming, the larger piles of clean clothes that need folding, the filthy bathrooms......that is when I become unproductive, I can't focus.
I know that ifd this was Jan, this all would be a minor issue, but it's 2 weeks from xmass and I need to get cards out and cookies baked and the house suitable for our Christmas Eve party.

Ok, no more complaining, i'm logging off and goign to do something!

Happy Holidays to all!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

finding balance

Finding balance is hard this time of year. Ever since February, I've been home as a stay at home mom. I love it. But i haven't found my groove yet. From mid Feb. to early March, I still had just my daughter and I was enjoying that time together. I was also keeping up on laudry and stuff so that when the baby came, it wasn't chaotic for hubby to continue housekeeping. Early March came and baby Nic was here. People came to visit, thinfs were good. After two weeks post partum I began leaving the house every morning to walk the mall before store hours, for excercie and out of house time. I met my sister in law there, taht was good, and often I ran errands between the mall and home. Most of the time baby nic was good for this routine, only a few months later he began to cry in the car, in the mornign was when he cryed least. I instisted he needed to get used to car rides, we con't function otherwise.

Now as for the house keeping....I never really got a stable groove. For a while Nic was eating every 2 hours, not much free time for me. Then he began every 3 hours, I found myself with more time, but not enough, or i just didn't spend it well, I still wasn't very productive.

Now he is on a wacky nap schedule, only an hour nap 3 times a day, not enough, and he won't let me out of his site and he is getting bored unless I directly entertain him. I hope this is a short phase.

I blame the fact not finding my groove is due to an everchanging scahedlue of an infnat. I hope that this time next year will be better.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Know waht we need

Am address database taht is on the internet and not a conputer installed software. Like Outlook, only you can access it from any conmputer.
This address book will be spicifically for mailouts, like chirtmas card list and birthday party invite list, according to child, and it would print to lables according to the Avery codes, like outlook would.

Too many times I've upgraded my computer since my original christmas card list. I'm on my third now and it's laptop. Other times I've used the smae computer but upgrades had been installed and I can't acces my address list in Outlokk because I don't understand how to find and open a psp or wahtever it is file.
Nother thing, you know that whole mail merge thing outlook does, it takes me a couple hours every year to figure this $#@!& thing out, away with that, my new site will be able to do it without haveing to "merge stupid fields"

Is there anything out there like that already???

Happy Holidays!