Friday, February 29, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Exhausted, but so worth the fun

Today, Mad had two back to back partys, both fo the smae type, indoor blow up moon bounce equipment. The first was called "Bounce U" 7 the 2nd at "Pump It UP"
it was SO MUCH FUN!! At first mad was intimidated, so I had to go in one of the moonbouce obstacle courses with her that ended in a practically freefall slide (90 degree drop) and we did it over and over and over and so on, it was fun, but boy I'm pooped and I think I pulled somehting, but she was able to do it herslef there after that and a bouncy monster was created! even on flat hard surface floors she continued to jump. 4 hours later at the 2nd identical party she was looking pooped and moving/climbing slower but still chugged on. She should sleep in real late, hehe!