Friday, June 29, 2007

Need to do something for myself

Over xmass holidays, a friend's friend had collapsed from a brain aneurysm. My friend told me that her husband had a family history of these and that he is having a precedure, like a CT to check if he has the potential of one because hereditary is a leading cause. Other leading causes are oral contraceptives and smoking.
Hubby and I discussed that after I have the baby that I should get one of these procedures.

But I have not gotten around to doing so, i'm not trying to avoid it, but, I think subconsiously (spelling?) I'm afraid of the outcome. I really need to get it done and it is now my summer mission :(

My mother had a brain aneurysm in her early 30's, that is right where I am at right now. I've taken many years of oral contraceptives, including the patch (higher risk of blod clotting). My mother did not take oral contraceptives, but she did smoke, i don't smoke but vice versa, so it is really scary to me, and feels so much like a reality, as if it will happen, I hope I am so very wrong, or that it can be preventable if found early.

It's so rare to survive a rupture, and when you do, you really struggle. My mom is very lucky, she struggled, but I still feel my grandmother and I struggle more to this day. She is very much a child in her thinking due to what areas of her brain were damaged, the adult area i guess.

I can't say I want to live longer that my mother, she is very much alive, but I want to have the abilities I currently have longer thatn she did. i don't know if I can be as strong as her to survive a brain aneurysm, but I'm sending out prayer requests that I continue to hold onto my FULL mind as long as I possibly can!

Friday, June 22, 2007

I went too Wegman's supermarket yesterday and now I'm hooked!!!
I normally go to my low budget food store that was formally a Giant because
a) It's walking distance if I ever feel i need the extra excercise
b) it's cheap, or I thought it was

I always turned away from our new wegman's 'cause
a) It's hip/trendy and EVERYONE in Cherry Hill shops there, and Cherry hill families tend to be well to do.
b) I know their fresh pre-pared foods are pricey, so the rest of the store must be, since they have all the extras, huge cafe, pharmacy, yadda yadda, someone needs to pay for all those extras...
c) It always appeared to me to carry only those "organic healthy" foods like Trader Joes has that I'm not into, I like my junk foods, LOL!!!

I was wrong.

So it appears to be all the above from the outside, but inside it's a different story. I got cheap milk, 2 for one soda, the good Coke stuff, 2 for one butter, well priced store brand marinades that look awesome and spent less than i would of for the same at my local "Stop & Shop" Then Mad and I enjoyed lunch there
I was impressed. Their pre-pared foods still are $$$ but the regulare groceries are great prices.

Would an Italian be offended with a dinner at Olive Garden?

Our favorite preist is coming to baptise our son this Sunday. We've known him since before my husband & I were married, he married uu, came and baptised my daughter at a different parish, and now my son at another parish. He's very freindly, nice & funny guy, we really love him. So for a gift we got him a gift card to Olive Garden. He is Italian and I've heard other Italian guys say Olive Garden is like fast food to them. He's slso a Catholic preist, so hopefully he is forgiving if he is offended, LOL!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I really wanted to add that I LOvE Monty Python & Faulty Towers to my list but I forgot.


I got my frst comment, yippee!!!
But it's blogging tag thing, oh joy, more work, LOL! It's work because it requires me to think, about myself. First the directions:
a) I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
b) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
c) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
d) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
e) Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they are tagged and to visit your blog.

1) I've developed an unhealthy obsession with Oreo cookies immediately follwing labor/delvery of my son 3 mohts ago...will this craving last nine months?

2)I too have a love for '80's music like my freind Tom, but also for all the iconography (is that a word), fashion and junk. I'm still much a fan of Duran Duran, but really miss the Hooters.

3) I am so much a south Jersey girl that i was just commented this morning that I'm teaching my daughter to speak south jersey. Well i'm not teaching her, she just happens to be learning from her sorroundings. she says "yay-a" instead of yes and "down the shore" insted of going to the shore, too cute.

4) My daughter really really needs to be challenged by a school setting. She is only 3 and amazes me and I think I've tought her all I can at this point, now she needs higher education, like pre-school. But I could be biased :)

5) My son seems advanced to me already. He probably right on target, but my daughter was lazy and hit milestones last minute, right before we needed to be concerned. But NicMan (my son's nicname), seems to be a little ahead. At three months he is already grabbing and playing with toys.

6) See, I said this was work...what else. I love warm weather, can't get enough of it. I wish NJ could sail down and take root in the gulf next to Florida.

7) I also REALLY love Mexico :)

8) Last one. I was always a cat person growing up. I could never have one due to bigtime allergies. I grew up with dogs, they're cool but i perfer cats. That has changed. I'm nolonger into cats liek i was, but I adore my greyhound :)

I only know two people who have blogs, one tagged me and the other is already being tagged by the one that tagged me so, I can't do the last step.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I never thought i'd ever buy a tapestry. Nothing against them, I just never thought I need to buy one. Well i just did, and they are pricey!!!
We own a shore home, well, a place to call home 3 motnhs a year. It's not quite a trailer, and not quite a mobil home either. It's called a Park Model Mobil home. It dosen't go anywher once it's parked, the wheels go up, an apron is put onto it, and an addition, a.k.a. Florida room gets built onto it, making permenate.
Hubby calls it our condo, since we pay condo fees on it, I call it a d o u b l e w i d e

My sister in law owns one as well, in the same community as ours. We both aquired these last year so we are still decorating them, what, all 40 square feet of them! So being the Interior designer tha I'm "degree-ed" to be, ours is bare, and hers is a show home. Hubby sees she has a tapestry wall hanging in hers, so, my assignment, find one I like online to purchase. Monkey see, Monkey do.....
Well, our style is different than hers, instead of getting a still life of a flower overlooking a beach, we got a tropical sunset...ahh, i just need the matching drink, LOL!

Funny how competitive brothers and sisters can be. I never had that since I'm an only child, but I seem to be benefitting from hubby competitiveness :)


Wow, what a busy week i had last week.
Just when you think you finished a busy week, you face another one. I'm just barely getting necesary things done, and without doing fun stuff like swimming in my pool :( It's a shame to, so gorgeous here, in the 90's, perfect pool weather, sigh.
So, here I am sitting indoors on the phone all day getting multiple quotes for auto and home, what a papermess I created at the kitchen table.

I really need to find my Zire 31 power charger and computer cord so i can a) power it up, and b) load useful info from the laptop onto it like contacts and such, but i lost it.

I wonder, if i'm barely getting anything done, how would I of done it while still working full time, NOT! Can't imagine how i ever would of!

Well off to be busy and capture last minute RSVP's for my Son's baptim this weekend.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday nonsense

Let me warn ya, I;m not technically inclined like my friend Tom. He adds pocs and links to his blog. It may be awhile before I can figure this whole blog thing out.

First of all, here's a link to his blog: . He has a neater way of linking by saying "click here" must be some 'puter guru/programmer trick.

Second of all, being that i was in the architectural field, we are well known foe being horrible spellers, and I'm GREAT with typos, so don't be surprised if you can't undertsan my typing.

Now that's out of the way, my Tuesday as of, well, today.

Normally I wake up, rush myself, infant & toddler out the door to the local mall, Cherry Hill Mall (first constructed mall in America), for some "mall walking." This is where you walk the entire mall, multiple times at your own pace for exercise. I have recent baby weight to drop off. This walking thing is done before the shops are open, so it's quiet and i can catch up on the latest window fashions. I do this with my SIL (sister-in-law). She has been a SAHM for 13 years now. She started mall waking when she started care for my daghter, she watchedc her while i worked. Anyways, that is how I normallt start my day. Not today.

Occasionlly, my SIL can't go due to some event at her children's school, or a dr's appt. Today she was not able to go. I find it very unmotivating to go, getr toddler in stroller, get infant in sling, and kkep them happy the whole walk by myself, so i sleep in when I know she won't be there to help & keep us company.

Instead i got up, fed baby boy, laid in bed with daughter. decided among the many things that need to be done, should be out chicken to defrost, then decided that our beloved greyhounds neglactance needs to end! Well, she really just smelled. I looked up groomers in the area schelued her a visit today, they wanted me to drop her off asap, and i needed her to get out of the house asap, she smelled, did I mention that?

This is a new groomer, her usual one is always very busy, and well, it's been almost 3 years since i took her there. We were washing her ourselves, which i hate, but hubby loved since he is a budget cruncher. I prefer working with coupons. So too embarrased to go to her normal groomer (kinda like going to a different haidresser, ya know), i found a coupn online anmd dropped her off. I hope she will do OK. She tends to be VERY dramatic, especially when it comes to getting her nails clipped. One time, i took her to different groomer, this was the last time i tried someone different, she came home with huge brusies on her belly. Poor thing, so you can un derstand my worries.

That was my first task of today, next while i'm still waiting for her to come home all spiffy, i need to search for online bagains for partyware. My son's baptism is in two weeks and i need paperplates and napkins for 50 odd guests. If i see no bargins or patterns i like, off to the dollar store....oh, i need to design a cake! Whew, glad i remembered that.
We have house guests this weekend, so i better get to cleaning.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The start of something new

I'm a new SAHM. I used to be an architectural designer. I loved that, somewhat, but not some of the people I had to work with. I do love beign home and balancing/managing home things and errands. I really enjoy "managing" my home rather than being managed, although i feel as if my daughter is managing me, LOL!

My daughter is 3 years old, very demanding. My son is 3 months old, he has his demands too. A 10 year old greyhound, she just demands to be fed 2x a day and let out, no prob. Then a husband. I think he has demands too, but I haven't been paying full attention.
That's it for tonight.