Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday nonsense

Let me warn ya, I;m not technically inclined like my friend Tom. He adds pocs and links to his blog. It may be awhile before I can figure this whole blog thing out.

First of all, here's a link to his blog: http://www.tlbignerd.com/ . He has a neater way of linking by saying "click here" must be some 'puter guru/programmer trick.

Second of all, being that i was in the architectural field, we are well known foe being horrible spellers, and I'm GREAT with typos, so don't be surprised if you can't undertsan my typing.

Now that's out of the way, my Tuesday as of, well, today.

Normally I wake up, rush myself, infant & toddler out the door to the local mall, Cherry Hill Mall (first constructed mall in America), for some "mall walking." This is where you walk the entire mall, multiple times at your own pace for exercise. I have recent baby weight to drop off. This walking thing is done before the shops are open, so it's quiet and i can catch up on the latest window fashions. I do this with my SIL (sister-in-law). She has been a SAHM for 13 years now. She started mall waking when she started care for my daghter, she watchedc her while i worked. Anyways, that is how I normallt start my day. Not today.

Occasionlly, my SIL can't go due to some event at her children's school, or a dr's appt. Today she was not able to go. I find it very unmotivating to go, getr toddler in stroller, get infant in sling, and kkep them happy the whole walk by myself, so i sleep in when I know she won't be there to help & keep us company.

Instead i got up, fed baby boy, laid in bed with daughter. decided among the many things that need to be done, should be done....got out chicken to defrost, then decided that our beloved greyhounds neglactance needs to end! Well, she really just smelled. I looked up groomers in the area schelued her a visit today, they wanted me to drop her off asap, and i needed her to get out of the house asap, she smelled, did I mention that?

This is a new groomer, her usual one is always very busy, and well, it's been almost 3 years since i took her there. We were washing her ourselves, which i hate, but hubby loved since he is a budget cruncher. I prefer working with coupons. So too embarrased to go to her normal groomer (kinda like going to a different haidresser, ya know), i found a coupn online anmd dropped her off. I hope she will do OK. She tends to be VERY dramatic, especially when it comes to getting her nails clipped. One time, i took her to different groomer, this was the last time i tried someone different, she came home with huge brusies on her belly. Poor thing, so you can un derstand my worries.

That was my first task of today, next while i'm still waiting for her to come home all spiffy, i need to search for online bagains for partyware. My son's baptism is in two weeks and i need paperplates and napkins for 50 odd guests. If i see no bargins or patterns i like, off to the dollar store....oh, i need to design a cake! Whew, glad i remembered that.
We have house guests this weekend, so i better get to cleaning.

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