Monday, June 18, 2007


Wow, what a busy week i had last week.
Just when you think you finished a busy week, you face another one. I'm just barely getting necesary things done, and without doing fun stuff like swimming in my pool :( It's a shame to, so gorgeous here, in the 90's, perfect pool weather, sigh.
So, here I am sitting indoors on the phone all day getting multiple quotes for auto and home, what a papermess I created at the kitchen table.

I really need to find my Zire 31 power charger and computer cord so i can a) power it up, and b) load useful info from the laptop onto it like contacts and such, but i lost it.

I wonder, if i'm barely getting anything done, how would I of done it while still working full time, NOT! Can't imagine how i ever would of!

Well off to be busy and capture last minute RSVP's for my Son's baptim this weekend.

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