Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I got my frst comment, yippee!!!
But it's blogging tag thing, oh joy, more work, LOL! It's work because it requires me to think, about myself. First the directions:
a) I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
b) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
c) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
d) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
e) Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they are tagged and to visit your blog.

1) I've developed an unhealthy obsession with Oreo cookies immediately follwing labor/delvery of my son 3 mohts ago...will this craving last nine months?

2)I too have a love for '80's music like my freind Tom, but also for all the iconography (is that a word), fashion and junk. I'm still much a fan of Duran Duran, but really miss the Hooters.

3) I am so much a south Jersey girl that i was just commented this morning that I'm teaching my daughter to speak south jersey. Well i'm not teaching her, she just happens to be learning from her sorroundings. she says "yay-a" instead of yes and "down the shore" insted of going to the shore, too cute.

4) My daughter really really needs to be challenged by a school setting. She is only 3 and amazes me and I think I've tought her all I can at this point, now she needs higher education, like pre-school. But I could be biased :)

5) My son seems advanced to me already. He probably right on target, but my daughter was lazy and hit milestones last minute, right before we needed to be concerned. But NicMan (my son's nicname), seems to be a little ahead. At three months he is already grabbing and playing with toys.

6) See, I said this was work...what else. I love warm weather, can't get enough of it. I wish NJ could sail down and take root in the gulf next to Florida.

7) I also REALLY love Mexico :)

8) Last one. I was always a cat person growing up. I could never have one due to bigtime allergies. I grew up with dogs, they're cool but i perfer cats. That has changed. I'm nolonger into cats liek i was, but I adore my greyhound :)

I only know two people who have blogs, one tagged me and the other is already being tagged by the one that tagged me so, I can't do the last step.

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