Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So, Tom, my bff, tagged me in this blog-related thing, and sicne i haven't typed anything since september, why not, right?

Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post. Let each person know he/she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1) I love music, it is teh best mood inducer, and mood lifter for me. I turn "into" waht ever i currently listen to, be it dance R&B as of lately, or more grunge rock to classic rock, or the ultimate, 80's! Currently it is Charolett Church and enya holiday stuff :)

2) I am very spritual. Not many people pick up on it becasue I am not very forward with it nor pratice it in convential forms, but I am.

3) I have a gift of being a receiver. Only a few people know this. I've had the gift all me life but early on as a young girl, i tried all i could to surpress my "receptors". In recent years, that has not worked. I've had many visitors. some i have mentioned to freinds, and others I've always kept to myself. In this past year, i've had so many visitations. Most recetly I've been able to actully use this "gift" to help send a message from a dearly departed to my cousin, the messager was his aunt (no relation to me). When i gave him her message he was so happy and revelaed that it was what had needed to hear, so now he can complete his greaiving. It was moving for me to actully help and do good with waht i always considered a burden of mine.

4)I have become very addicted to a game on both facebooka nd myspace called YoVille. Not sure why it's captured me so much, but it has.

5) My favorite season is Summer, I relish in heat and can't bear the cold.

6) My favorite holiday season is now till mid Jan. I love the whole christmas in the air feeling, Startign this week, the week of thanksgiving, I am filled with such joy that I can not explain. i also have impressive patiance to wait in line and traffic along with teh "complainers" who act upset and surpried thsi smae time of year every year. The rest of the year my patience are low, lol!

Cindy: A friend in college that i keep regular contact thru our family forum.

Tom: Who had tagged me with doing this. He's my bff from college, plus the godfather to my son. His blog is great, it' sa mix of things to ponder and hear a bout his family.

Laura: She is actully my hihg school friend's college friend, get that? Anywho we keep in contact via the same forum as Cindy and Tom's wife, Erin. Her children are adorable. She, Tom, and I have son's taht are clsoe in age, all three in a row!

Diane: I dont have a link to her blog yet, but i will work on that. She is my bff from high school and her blog is about homeschooling preschoolers.

-: This blog i've been following ever since i vacationed in Sint Maartin 2 years ago, it pretty cool about life on teh island
Hurley: The big guy form LOST, i love his blog. most of it is non-lost related, but he is cool and funny to read about. He had a lot of travels between seasons and likes to goof around :)