Sunday, December 9, 2007

finding balance

Finding balance is hard this time of year. Ever since February, I've been home as a stay at home mom. I love it. But i haven't found my groove yet. From mid Feb. to early March, I still had just my daughter and I was enjoying that time together. I was also keeping up on laudry and stuff so that when the baby came, it wasn't chaotic for hubby to continue housekeeping. Early March came and baby Nic was here. People came to visit, thinfs were good. After two weeks post partum I began leaving the house every morning to walk the mall before store hours, for excercie and out of house time. I met my sister in law there, taht was good, and often I ran errands between the mall and home. Most of the time baby nic was good for this routine, only a few months later he began to cry in the car, in the mornign was when he cryed least. I instisted he needed to get used to car rides, we con't function otherwise.

Now as for the house keeping....I never really got a stable groove. For a while Nic was eating every 2 hours, not much free time for me. Then he began every 3 hours, I found myself with more time, but not enough, or i just didn't spend it well, I still wasn't very productive.

Now he is on a wacky nap schedule, only an hour nap 3 times a day, not enough, and he won't let me out of his site and he is getting bored unless I directly entertain him. I hope this is a short phase.

I blame the fact not finding my groove is due to an everchanging scahedlue of an infnat. I hope that this time next year will be better.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I've gotten into a very good schedule with Alex. It didn't happen until he was 12 months old though. When he goes down for his nap, I get my "me" time.

Thursday is cleaning day. On Thursdays I will vacuum and clean the bathrooms. I picked a day, because I know if I just did it when I thought about it, it would never get done.

I also get dinner started or at least decide what I'm going to make while Alex is down for his nap. So I can get stuff out or chop it up or whatever.

i actually do a lot while he is down for his nap. Jeff probably thinks I don't, but I do.