Saturday, January 12, 2008

Seraching for items

Happy New Year everyone! Hope all is well with everyone out there!
I've begun the new year with a quest for a few itemsa needed for both a trip to Florida in March and for summer weekend trips down the shore.

Item #1) A toddler travel bed. At the end of last summer my horrible pack "n play broke beyond repairable, it was man-handled due to being so horrible. AKA, my husband snapped a rail by bending it since trying to "unlock" the rails was impossible to due.
Good freinds of mine have a really cool travel bed for thier children. It's inflatable and has raised sides to prevent rolling out, I something along the lines of that. Another chocie is something new I saw, but very expensive, it springs open and can be zipped shut, so when my 1 year wakes up before us, at least I know he is enclosed.
Like I said, the latter is pricey, (of course ideal) and the first mentioned one will fit the bill, some on ebay are reasonbly priced, but the shipping charge is killing me and I can't find it in any store in town, hence my "quest"

Item #2) A storage bag for a carseat so It can be protected when checked as luggage on flights. In March I will fliy with my 12 month old in my lap and my 3 3/4 year old will be dine in a seat, she's done it before. so I'd like to check the carseats so that i don't have to rely on the nasty ones that come with the rental cars. A good freind of mine lent me a contraption that will strap the carseat to carryon luggage so it can act as a stroller. But I'm not set that is the best scenario. I will need to take two umbrella strollers anyway since they will be needed for the theme parks. I might as well gate check them since i will need to take them, so converting luggage to a stroller is not an answer for me, but i may, still mualing waht to do. I did reserve a bosster seat for my almost 4 year old with the car rentsl and only want to take the convertable or infant seat & base for the 12 month old son.
Yes I know this bag I'm looking for is $15 or so and easy enough to find at babies 'r us, but, since i'm already on a roll of being cheap, i keep rolling with it, LOL!

So these item I am scouring criagslist for and I can tell you now, they are NOT popular items people are looking to let go!

If you know the whereabouts of any of these, plaese tell me!!

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