Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Don't Stop Believing

Yes, it's such a cliche post title. Yes, I am a huge Journey fan, from 1981, when I discovered my mother's "Escape" album in her collection, and after that, I found departure, and then bought Frontiers with my own allowance money.
Yes, that now infamous song title was my Senior quote printed in the year book in class of '94. Of course, in '94, not too many people we're familiar with that particular lyric as everyone is today (thanks Glee!).

I grew up with lot's of Classic rock in the background, along with what was trending in the '80's, such as U2, Bruce Springsteen, Duran Duran and the Hooters. I loved it all, didn't know any different. I could recognize any song within before the first lyric was sung, it's like photographic memory for the ears, (does that exist? I'll have to google it later), none the less, a strange & useless talent.

I did not enjoy all of it the music I heard, but found it all comforting, it was the closet thing to home to me. Music is my on main source of comfort.  One artist I did not care for was Eric Clapton. My mother loved this man, and would constantly turn the volume up everytime his music was aired. I did not care for him. I think my dislike stemmed from her love.  I didn't want to like everything she liked, be an individual. Although I did think it was cool that I was the only child in my school that was just as familiar with Kansas and Asia songs as the teachers, but I drew the line at Clapton.
When I was 12, my mother babysat my 1 year old cousin, every weekday. During those days she expose him to lots of Mellencamp videos that were airing on MTV at that time, and would force him to dance. He got excited, moved his limbs, but only by her example, and only to what she deemed was good music.  Like a typical budding teenager I rolled my eyes to this and insisted it was brainwashing and swore I would not do this to my own children.

Fast forward to know.  During my daughter's early years, I worked and she was with my Sister-In-Law during the days.  My Sister-In-Law is a HUGE fan of Micheal Buble.  Guess what, my now 7 year old daughter is a huge fan of Micheal Buble.  It just figures I myself am not a fan, oh well.  My son like top 40, whatever is currently playing on the radio while we drive.  He was home with me from infancy on.  But, I did not force him to like type of music, try to get him excited about anything in particular.  I just expose both of them, and he likes what he hears, and I noticed he also has the knack for knowing a song from it's first note, that's my boy :)

Wondering when I'm coming around to the Journey again?  here it is.  I listen to Journey still today, but i play it the kitchen, for my own ears, while the kids are watching TV.  I don't play it much in the car, unless it comes across a "Classic Rock" or "'80's" station.  My daughter does not recognize Journey if you threw it at her, nor would my son, or so I thought. A couple days ago, my 4 year old son & I were shopping and as I was pushing the cart, I was barely able to hear him mindlessly singing, "Don't Stop Believing, Hold Onto That Feeling" and in perfect melody.  I am surprised.  This means he overheard me listening to it and that easily he can recall it's lyrics and tune.  I was surprised, and hearing him sing this on his own will made me smile, (normally he sings anything Katy Perry or Kesha).  :)

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