Friday, July 6, 2007

Craziness is over!

All last Week my daughter had her first school like experience at Vacation Bible School. Her 12 year old cousin was her "counsler" so it was a good experience to leave her in a school setting for the first time. 4 hours each day. Of course she didn't want me to leave her, but i stood on the side while they danced and sang and snuck out. When it was all over each day, she said she missed me and my 12 year old neice siad she did fine each day and intently listened and watched. One day she even dozed off a little during a samll group activity. Taht my daughter, only taking naps as she needs them, anywhere she's at, LOL!
ON the last day of the VBS (Vacation Bible School) she puked in her carseat, the weekend and to this day has been filled with coughing and runny noses, she even passed it onto her 4 month old brother, his first cold :(

Also we had an adventure with mice in our house last week, that's a story for another post!

Prior to that was my son's christening and prior to that was a crazy week of running around and cleaning house.

I feel a littel of my daughter & son's cold now, yuck. But, I'm packing up and we are heading to the shore till Monday, YAY!!!

My husband has a very big interview, all day Tuesday with his "dream company"
please pray that he gets the job. We all need this weekend to relax before his big interview.

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