Thursday, September 20, 2007

birthday, cont'd...

My birthday evening ended well.
First, since hubby was working, I heated up a frozen white pizza for my daughter and I. then mixed 2 tbs of rice cereal for my son. My son ate his cereal with no hesitation, but my daughter turned down her pizza after seeing spinah on it. Normally I don't allow her anything alese to eat until she eats what was served to her, but being it was my birthday, I didn't want to the day to end with a tantrum. So, I let her eate yogurt. Then it was bathtime for both kids and then bed. My son went to bed happily, but my daughter tried pushing the limit. I'm instituting an earlier time due to her gogin to school in the mornings, problem is that she just isn't tired enough to go so she gives me a bit of a hard time. After only 2 trips to the bathroom she was down.
At that time I poured myself a glass of white zinfadel that my neighbor left me :) and watched some Real World, my secret obsession.

Around 9:30, hubby came home baring chocolate chip cookies, swedish fish and an Orchid! I love orchids, but never pictured caring for one. It came with directions. I'm afraid, hubby joked about taking an insurance policy on it, it must of been pricey!
Anyway, I loved it :)

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